Another School Needed

Central School.  Photo courtesy of the Greater Sudbury Historical Database.In March 1912, the school board purchased another plot of land from the CPR and plans for a new school were drawn up. Construction began on the project, but due to delays and funding issues, the school board was forced to reduce the number of proposed classrooms to twelve. By January of 1915, the first permanent school was opened. Bishop Scollard christened the new building, Central School, but by 1928, the school was referred to as St. Louis de Gonzague. With the completion of Central School in 1915, the board decided that the older students would continue their education at Central School, freeing classroom space at brown school and Jubilee Hall.

It is important to note that the establishment of a school was supported and guided by the Jesuit priests. Upon the appointment of school board trustees, the priests assumed a consultative role, offering the use of the church hall when needed and attending taxpayer meetings. Because of this close relationship, the priests were appointed as school superintendents and were charged with the task of ensuring the school's well-being, visiting the students, and reporting issues to the school board committee. The school board and the clergymen worked hand-in-hand to ensure the success of the school. They would consult on school issues and action would only be taken when a consensus was reached between the two parties.


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